Theme Custom Code
To the left, click on "Settings"
Then, click "Theme"
Under the Theme Settings, select "Theme Custom Code"
This functionality empowers you to modify the appearance of your website across all pages and app screens. This feature is especially useful for implementing CSS changes that may not be supported through our Page Builder, such as those required for the checkout page or address section. By accessing this Global Custom CSS section, you can easily target specific elements by inspecting website elements and apply custom CSS rules to achieve the desired visual effects.
Custom HTML Head section provides you with the capability to insert custom HTML code into the <head> section of your website's HTML document. This allows you to include additional metadata, Live chat or any scripts, or external resources that may be required for optimizing SEO, integrating analytics tools, or adding custom functionality to your website.
Custom HTML Footer section allows you to inject custom HTML code into the footer section of your website. This feature enables you to include Live Chat or custom scripts, links, or content that you want to appear at the bottom of every page on your website. Whether it's copyright information, social media links, or additional scripts, the Custom HTML Footer provides a convenient way to extend the functionality and branding of your website.
Lastly, click "Save" to make all changes appear on your website and ordering apps.