

How To Use Orders Management Dashboard?

Upon auto-logging in Autozod from your Admin panel, you will see the Autozod Order Dashboard. This is your central hub for managing all orders.

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Active Tasks

On the left side of the dashboard, you'll find the Active Tasks section, which allows you to filter orders based on their assignment status.

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  • All: This tab displays all orders currently in the system, regardless of whether they have been assigned to a rider or not.

  • Assigned: Selecting this tab filters the orders to show only those that have been assigned to a rider for delivery.

  • Unassigned: Here, you'll find orders that have not yet been assigned to any rider. These are tasks waiting for allocation.

Agent Status

On the right side of the dashboard, you'll find the Agents section, providing you with insights into the status and location of your delivery agents.

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  • Inactive: Agents who have turned off their duty status will be listed here. They are currently not available for assignments.

  • Available: Agents who are ready and available to take on new tasks will be displayed under this status. They are prepared to accept delivery assignments.

  • Busy: Agents who are actively engaged in delivering orders are listed here. They are currently en route to fulfill delivery requests.

Tracking Rider's Location

To track an agent's location, simply click on their name within the Agents section. This action will display their current location on the map, along with information indicating whether they are currently carrying out an order or not. This feature allows you to monitor your agents' movements in real-time, enabling efficient coordination and management of delivery operations.

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Order States: Awaiting/Created

  • Awaiting: This state occurs when the system has sent a request to riders for acceptance of the order. Orders remain in the Awaiting state while waiting for a response from available riders.
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  • Created State: In this state, the auto-assignment process halts, allowing manual intervention if needed. Orders in the Created state can be manually assigned to specific riders or restarted in the auto-assigning process if necessary. This state provides flexibility and control over the assignment of orders, ensuring efficient management of delivery operations.
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Order View on Map

This feature simplifies the order manager's view by marking the pickup and drop points on the map. A straight line between these points offers a clear visual guide, facilitating easier understanding of the order's trajectory without detailed navigation information.

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Manual Order Assignment

When an order enters the "Created" state, manual assignment becomes available. By selecting "Manual" and choosing an agent from the list, you can assign the order swiftly. This feature streamlines allocation, ensuring efficient distribution among agents.

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Reassigning Orders

Once an order has been assigned to a rider and is in the "Assigned" mode, you can initiate the reassignment process by clicking on the "Reset" button. This action transitions the order back to the "Created" state, allowing for the reassignment of the order to another rider as necessary, providing flexibility in order management.

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Cancelling Orders

To cancel an order, simply click on the order and navigate to the Details tab. From there, locate the "Cancel" button and click on it to cancel the order.

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Order Details/History

  • Details: Access detailed information about an order by clicking on the Details tab. Here, you can view essential details such as the order's creation time, pickup and drop points, and the distance between them.
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  • History: Additionally, under the History tab, you can monitor the order's status history and view updates along with their respective timestamps. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of the order's journey and status changes over time.
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Rider's Commission Calculation State

After an order is successfully completed and the "Task Lock Minutes expire, a "lock" button will appear on the order. Simultaneously, the order fulfillment time & rider's commission for that order will be displayed under the Details tab. This commission amount mirrors what is shown to the rider on their driver app, ensuring transparency and consistency in payment calculations.

Furthermore, for comprehensive record-keeping and rider payout management, you have the option to download this information from the reporting feature.

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